When selling a book to the bookstores, libraries, and chains, remember that the people seeing your book sales kit see hundreds of sales kits a day. They will choose a very small percentage of the books they see. Your kit can make the difference between a purchase order and a politely worded e-mail (We regret to inform you …). When you send a package to a buyer for consideration, it is your first and perhaps only chance to impress them. Here is a checklist of what is recommended for inclusion in your package:
- Color printout of the cover on heavy, glossy paper.
- A bound ARC/galley or comb-bound manuscript if the book is finished. Sample chapters printed out if it is not.
- Fully outlined marketing and publicity plan
- One-page title information sheet with :
Author bio
Author hometown
100-word description of book
Order contact information
Book category
Retail price
Page count
Trim size
Ship date
Publication date
Print run
Co-op and advertising budget
Title and ISBN of previous books by author or in the series
Title and ISBN of books similar to yours